mac 没有所有开发者_为什么开发人员应该像产品所有者那样思考
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mac 没有所有开发者

by Sajal Sarwar Sharma


为什么开发人员应该像产品所有者那样思考 (Why developers should think more like product owners)

You have just deployed your long-awaited feature to production after a long and gruesome month of coding, reviewing, and testing (read: a lot of iterations, living the Agile Methodology to the core). You had an all-nighter just the last night and now you just want to take off and sleep peacefully in your cosy warm bed.
经过漫长而艰苦的一个月的编码,审查和测试,您才刚刚将期待已久的功能部署到生产中(阅读:大量迭代,将敏捷方法学应用到核心)。 昨晚您有一个通宵的住宿,现在您只想起飞并在舒适的温暖床上安静地入睡。

In a fast moving startup culture, this is kind of normal for a software developer. Things move fast, the code moves faster, and the requirements — well we’ll just say: Mr. Light Photon, you’ve got a competitor.

在快速发展的启动文化中,这对于软件开发人员来说很正常。 事情发展很快,代码运行更快,需求也越来越好–我们只能说: Light Photon先生,您有竞争者

在一开始的时候 (In the beginning)

I have been working with a healthcare startup for the past three years, and I have seen it grow over this time period. Today, I am going to share some of my learnings — but I am not going to bore you with the plethora of technologies we use to keep the wheels moving.

在过去三年中,我一直在与一家医疗保健初创公司合作,而且我看到它在这段时间内不断增长。 今天,我将分享一些经验教训,但我不会让您厌烦我们用来保持车轮运转的众多技术。

Rather, today I will be sharing some insights that I have learned over the years, working shoulder to shoulder with some of the most motivating and inspiring business leaders in the industry.


During my early days as a developer, all I used to do was:


Take requirements from the product manager, develop the feature/system, test it, deploy it, go home, sleep and reiterate.

从产品经理那里获取需求, 开发功能/系统,对其进行测试部署回家睡觉重申

Seems legit. That’s the job of a developer, right?

似乎是合法的。 那是开发人员的工作,对吧?

For two years of my developer life, I lived this routine. I was growing as a software developer, but running a business is not just software development. In fact, it’s just one wheel in the chariot, and there are other wheels that move the chariot along that I knew nothing about.

在开发人员生命的两年中,我过着这样的常规生活。 我成长为一名软件开发人员,但是经营业务不只是软件开发。 实际上,这只是战车上的一个轮子,还有其他轮子使战车沿着我所不知道的方向移动。

改变我的心态 (Changing my mentality)

I built stuff, I deployed, and I moved on. I suppose that was the biggest mistake I made. Though business moved along as usual, one day I sat down and contemplated:

我建造了东西,部署了,然后继续前进。 我想那是我犯的最大错误。 尽管生意照常进行,但有一天我坐下来考虑:

“Why am I not caring about the product I have been building over these many months?”


“Isn’t it my responsibility to move the business metric forward?”


“I have built the system from scratch, but is the system actually helping the end user?”


You can safely console yourself by thinking “It’s not in my job description” and moving on. But the last question actually stuck me hard: am I doing anything for society, and is my product actually helping our users lead a better life?

您可以通过思考“这不在我的职位描述中”并继续前进来安全地安慰自己。 但是最后一个问题实际上使我难以接受:我是否为社会做任何事情,并且我的产品实际上在帮助我们的用户过上更好的生活吗?

I was faced with a dilemma. Should I keep doing what I was good at (development) or should I start focussing on other areas as well, apart from my usual stuff? At this juncture, I remembered a poem I had read in my childhood by the legendary poet Robert Frost:

我面临一个困境。 我应该继续做我擅长的(开发)工作,还是应该除了平常的工作以外,也开始专注于其他领域? 在此关头,我想起了童年时期传奇诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)读过的一首诗:

Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference.

What I did for the next few months completely changed my perspective on my work. I have learned so much from people I rarely interacted with before. I have started to break the cocoon I had entrapped myself in. There’s a lot to learn, and I’ve just started to scratch the surface.

在接下来的几个月中,我所做的一切完全改变了我对工作的看法。 我从从未与之交往过的人那里学到了很多东西。 我已经开始打破自己困住的茧了。有很多东西要学,而我才刚刚开始摸索。

这就是我现在要做的 (Here’s what I do now)

第1步 (Step 1)

Rather than just taking the requirements from my Product Manager, I brainstorm with him. I started asking the hard questions: Why? Why not? How will it work for the end user? How will it affect the business metric? What are your assumptions and expectations?

我不仅要听取产品经理的要求,还和他一起暴雨 。 我开始问一个棘手的问题: 为什么? 为什么不? 最终用户将如何工作? 它将如何影响业务指标? 您的假设和期望是什么?

Effect: There is a lot more clarity during the planning phase of the product’s development.

效果 :在产品开发的计划阶段有很多清晰度。

第2步 (Step 2)

If possible, I ask someone to talk to our end users to see whether they would like such a change in the system. We get their feedback. If it is not possible to reach out to the end user, we ask people randomly whether they would like to have x, y, or z feature. Getting feedback before building the system is the most important part.

如果可能,我请某人与我们的最终用户交谈,以查看他们是否希望对系统进行这种更改。 我们得到他们的反馈 。 如果无法与最终用户联系,我们会随机询问人们是否希望具有x,y或z功能。 在构建系统之前获取反馈是最重要的部分。

Then I brainstorm again with the Product Manager and refine the requirements according to the feedback received.

然后,我再次与产品经理进行头脑风暴 ,并根据收到的反馈 细化要求。

Effect: We are closer to getting the complete picture and having a clearer perspective now.

效果 :我们现在更接近完整的图片并拥有更清晰的视角。

第三步 (Step 3)

Develop the system/feature, test it, and then deploy it to the end user.

开发系统/功能,对其进行测试 ,然后部署到最终用户。

Track the journey of the feature just launched, and crunch the numbers every other day. Compare it with the previous business metric.


Effect: We see the deviation of expectation from reality, and that helps us plan better the next time. Every failure is a new learning.

效果 :我们看到期望现实背离 ,这有助于我们下次更好地计划。 每一次失败都是新的学习。

第4步 (Step 4)

Track the user issues on a daily basis. Go through the user tickets twice a day. Listen to their conversations with the operations people. A furious customer will often give you more insights into your product than your product manager, engineering manager, analyst, and product owner combined.

每天跟踪 用户问题 。 每天两次通过用户票证 。 听取他们与操作人员的对话。 与产品经理,工程经理,分析师和产品所有者的总和相比,愤怒的客户通常会为您提供更多有关产品的见解。

Listen to them, reiterate over the solution, sort it, fix the issue, and apologize. I have heard users swear, and trust me — they swear really badly.

听取他们的意见,重申解决方案,进行排序,解决问题,并道歉。 我听说用户发誓并信任我-他们发誓非常糟糕

Effect: We know which are some of the most painful points in our system and what our users don’t want.

效果 :我们知道哪些是系统中最痛苦的一点,以及用户不想要的

And at the end of the day: go home, sleep, reiterate.

归根结底, 回家睡觉重申。

我学到了什么 (What I’ve learned)

Doing this, I have gained a lot of insights into my own product.


My product manager has taught me how to get the answer to “What my end user actually needs.”


The Engineering team has taught me how to track the user’s journey and how to crunch numbers on a daily basis.


The operations team has been the voice of my end users. They have taken all the thrashings I would have gotten because of bugs I had put into the system.

运营团队一直是我最终用户的声音。 由于我在系统中放入的错误,他们承担了我所有的苦恼。

The product owner has taught me how to think long term and how you can achieve success if you develop a good thought process about the product.


And what made me do all this? That one question:

是什么让我做这一切? 那一个问题:

Why am I doing all this?

This is all my perspective, and it might differ from yours. I completely respect that. But ask the above question to yourself whenever you have some free time. If money is not the only motivator you get as a reply, think again and try to reiterate.

这是我的全部观点,可能与您的观点有所不同。 我完全尊重。 但是,只要有空闲时间,请向自己问上述问题。 如果金钱不是您获得答复的唯一动机,请再三考虑并尝试重申。

I am thankful to a lot of people who have helped me in my journey, which includes my engineering team, my product team, my operations team, and a lot of other people.



mac 没有所有开发者


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